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Weapons Weapons[]

The list below shows all the weapon crafting manuals that you can find.

# Name Location
1-7 Weapons 101 Item Shop (500G)
8-13 Basic Weapons Confine Bourne (Treykheit)
14-16 Basic Accessories Confine Bourne (Faulheit)
17-22 Elemental Arms 1 Adventurer's Guild (100TP)
23-28 Elemental Arms 2 Adventurer's Guild (100TP)
29-35 Weapons 2-A Trymmer Palace Ruins (Inkute Convivial Group)
36 Accessories 2-A Title 74 (Possess 5 Contracts, 5 Ragged Robes, 5 Bug Whistles, 2 Chicken Eggs, 5 Sharp Fangs)
37-44 Weapons 2-B Trymmer Palace Ruins (Martyr's Redemption)
45-49 Weapons 2-C Title 75 (Possess 5 Lizard Tongues, 3 Hell Flames, 5 Lizard Tails, 5 Venom Needles)
50-58 Weapons 3-A Narvende Mine (Plutonic Rock)
59-63 Weapons 3-B Title 97 (Defeat 16 Faires, 16 Pixies, 16 Mabs)
64-70 Weapons 3-C Loger Forest (Esprille)
71-77 Weapons 3-D Adventurer's Guild (500TP)
78-85 Weapons 4-A Inelchias Cave, South (Craven Rock)
86-89 Weapons 4-B Title 78 (Possess 3 Slumberland Flowers, 3 Wind Slicers, 5 Corals, 3 Insoluble Ice Pieces)
90-95 Weapons 4-C Title 80 (Possess 3 Poisonous Scales, 3 Requiem Bells, 5 Feathers of Maat, 5 Ominous Necklaces, 5 Necros Stones)
96-100 Weapons 4-D Title 81 (Possess 3 Squid Tentacles, 5 Forbidden Fruits, 5 Evil Eyes, 5 Poisonous Stems, 5 Devil Tails)
101-104 Smithing 4-C Adventurer's Guild (900TP)
105-112 Ancient Smithing 1 Title 102 (Defeat 16 Fire Spirits, 12 Thunder Spirits, 16 Light Spirits)
113-120 Ancient Smithing 2 Title 94 (Defeat 12 Medusas, 4 Devils, 12 King Werewolves, 12 Dark Knights, 12 Arc Knights)
121-128 Ancient Smithing 4 Title 82 (Possess 3 Iron Masses, 2 Heart Stones, 3 Iron Gears, 3 Magic Armors, 5 Old Hammers)
129-130 Mystic Smithing 1 Adventurer's Guild (2000TP)
131-132 Mystic Smithing 2 Adventurer's Guild (3000TP)
133 Divine Smithing 1 Title 125 (Cast the magical avian to the earth)
134 Divine Smithing 2 Title 126 (Slay the demon with the caustic touch)
135-136 Divine Smithing 3 Title 127 (Stop the demon king who'd raze the world)
137-138 Divine Smithing 4 Title 128 (Destroy the wandering blue sword)
139 Divine Smithing 5 Title 129 (Defeat the emperor of the dragon clan)
140-143 Divine Smithing 6 Title 138 (One who blankets the world in darkness)
144-147 Divine Smithing 7 Title 139 (A ruler summoned from another world)
148-152 Calinou's Smithing Title 136 (One who calls out to the dawn)
153-161 Mercury's Smithing Title 144 (God of Time and Space)

Armor Armor[]

This list shows all the armor crafting manuals that you can find.

# Name Location
1-6 Equipment 101 Item Shop (500G)
7-8 Basic Accessories Confine Bourne (Faulheit)
9-13 Elemental Armor Nebel Mole (Urbendost)
14 Accessories 1-A Title 95 (Defeat 8 Big Crabs, 12 Mandrakes, 12 Iron Scissors, 10 Mandragoras)
15-16 Smithing 2-A Item Shop (5000G)
17-21 Accessories 2-A Title 74 (Possess 5 Contracts, 5 ragged Robes, 5 Bug Whistles, 2 Chicken Eggs, 5 Sharp Fangs)
22-23 Accessories 2-B Adventurer's Guild (300TP)
24-26 Accessories 3-A Narvende Mine (Plutonic Rock)
27-32 Accessories 3-B Loger Forest, North (Emperunk)
33-35 Equipment 300 Adventurer's Guild (500TP)
36-37 Smithing 4-A Inelchias Cave, South (Arctic Fish)
38-39 Smithing 4-B Title 93 (Defeat 8 Flame Knights, 8 Ice Knights, 12 Wraiths, 4 Trolls)
40-41 Smithing 4-C Adventurer's Guild (1000TP)
42 Ancient Smithing 3 Title 103 (Defeat 16 Water Spirits, 12 Wind Spirits, 12 Earth Spirits, 16 Dark Spirits)
43-46 Ancient Smithing 5 Title 123 (Trapped in the realm of nothingness)
47 Mystic Smithing 1 Adventurer's Guild (2000TP)
48 Divine Smithing 1 Title 125 (Cast the magical avian to the earth)
49 Divine Smithing 2 Title 126 (Slay the demon with the caustic touch)
50 Divine Smithing 3 Title 127 (Stop the demon king who'd raze the world)
51 Divine Smithing 4 Title 128 (Destroy the wandering blue sword)
52 Divine Smithing 5 Title 129 (Defeat the emperor of the dragon clan)
53-55 Mercury's Smithing Title 144 (God of Time and Space)

Accessory Accessories[]

This list shows all the accessory crafting manuals that you can find.

# Name Location
1-5 Smithing 101 Item Shop (1000G)
6 Basic Accessories Confine Bourne (Faulheit)
7-11 Accessories 1-A

Title 95 (Defeat 8 Big Crabs, 12 Mandrakes,12 Iron Scissors, 10 Mandragoras)

12-16 Accessories 2-A Title 74 (Possess 5 Contracts, 5 Ragged Robes, 5 Bug Whistles, 2 Chicken Eggs, 5 Sharp Fangs)
17-19 Accessories 2-B Adventurer's Guild (300TP)
20-21 Accessories 3-A Narvende Mine (Plutonic Rock)
22-24 Accessories 3-C Title 98 (Defeat 16 Slimes, 16 Green Mousses, 16 Cold Gels, 16 Water Puddings)
25-26 Smithing 4-A Inelchias Cave, South (Arctic Fish)
27-28 Smithing 4-B Title 93 (Defeat 8 Flame Knights, 8 Ice Knights, 12 Wraiths, 4 Trolls)
29-30 Ancient Smithing 3 Title 103 (Defeat 16 Water Spirits, 12 Wind Spirits, 12 Earth Spirits, 16 Dark Spirits)
31 Mystic Smithing 2 Adventurer's Guild (3000TP)
32 Divine Smithing 1 Title 125 (Cast the magical avian to the earth)
33 Divine Smithing 2 Title 126 (Slay the demon with the caustic touch)
34 Divine Smithing 5 Title 129 (Defeat the emperor of the dragon clan)
35 Mercury's Smithing Title 144 (God of Time and Space)

Item Tools[]

This list shows the item crafting manuals that you can find.

# Name Location
1-2 Smithing 101 Item Shop (1000G)
3-9 Element Change 1 Item Shop (2500G)
10-12 Smithing 2-A Item Shop (5000G)
13-19 Element Change 2 Item Shop (10000G)
20-22 Smithing 2-B Item Shop (10000G)
23-24 Smithing 4-A Inelchias Cave, South (Arctic Fish)


In order to research the skill that you need, you must obtain the Essential Arts book in the list shown below.

# Name Location
1-4 Essential Arts 1 Item Shop (1000G)
5-9 Essential Arts 2 Item Shop (1000G)
10-14 Essential Arts 3 Item Shop (1500G)
15-17 Essential Arts 4 Adventurer's Guild (100TP)
18-21 Essential Arts 5 Item Shop (3000G)
22-26 Essential Arts 6 Adventurer's Guild (100TP)
27-31 Essential Arts 7 Larme Fol Canyon (Mertz Trost)
32-35 Essential Arts 8 Title 3 (Defeat 250 Enemies)
36-39 Essential Arts 9 Larme Fol Canyon (Avele River)
40-44 Essential Arts 10 Larme Fol Canyon (Pezist Strand)
45-48 Essential Arts 11 Adventurer's Guild (250TP)
49-53 Essential Arts 12 Title 10 (Win 100 Battles)
54-56 Essential Arts 13 Adventurer's Guild (500TP)
57-60 Essential Arts 14 Trymmer Palace Ruins (Martyr's Redemption)
61-64 Essential Arts 15 Title 23 (Deal over 100 hits)
65-68 Essential Arts 16 Loger Forest, North (Mistifie)
69-73 Essential Arts 17 Loger Forest, North (Grabden Kumai)
74-78 Essential Arts 18 Title 5 (Defeat 1000 Enemies)
79-84 Essential Arts 19 Title 5 (Defeat 1000 Enemies)
85-87 Essential Arts 20 Etrandere Fen, East (Plantain)

Secret Arts[]

These books will reveal more Arts that you can execute in battle.

# Name Location
1-4 Secret Arts 1 Item Shop (1000G)
5-7 Secret Arts 2 Item Shop (1000G)
8-11 Secret Arts 3 Adventurer's Guild (100TP)
12-15 Secret Arts 4 Nebel Mole (Regneriche)
16-20 Secret Arts 5 Larme Fol Canyon (Mertz Trost)
21-25 Secret Arts 6 Larme Fol Canyon (Pezist Strand)
26-32 Secret Arts 7 Title 16 (Deal over 50K total damage)
33-39 Secret Arts 8 Adventurer's Guild (400TP)
40-45 Secret Arts 9 Title 17 (Deal over 100K total damage)
46-52 Secret Arts 10 Loger Forest, North (Emperunk)
53-57 Secret Arts 11 Loger Forest, North (Negacion)
58-62 Secret Arts 12 Title 24 (Deal over 150 hits)
63-67 Secret Arts 13 Etrandere Fen, East (Reed Junction)
68-71 Secret Arts 14 Adventurer's Guild (600TP)
72-74 Secret Arts 15 Inelchias Cave, South (Lieken Tide Line)
75-78 Secret Arts 16 Title 6 (Defeat 1,500 enemies)
79-81 Secret Arts 17 Title 18 (Deal over 250K total damage)
82-86 Secret Arts 18 Title 25 (Deal over 200 hits)

Esoteric Arts[]

The Esoteric Books reveals EX Skill Combination Attacks once you obtain them.

# Name Location
1-2 Esoteric Book 1 Pere Copia (After Linda joins, Routier's Affection level must be at 3 or higher)
3 Esoteric Book 10 Theo Ele Shelter
4 Esoteric Book 13 Mowales Village (Apli's Affection level must be at 2 or higher)
5 Esoteric Book 4 Alegria Coastline (Routier's Affection level must be at 4 or higher)
6 Esoteric Book 3 Brass Mountains (Meet Sayane during the Night Phase of Pere Copia's Vacation Day)
7 Esoteric Book 6 Ebene Plain (Meet with Eugene at the Bar during the Night Phase of Alegria Coastline's Vacation Day and all female Affection levels must be at 3 or higher)
8-9 Esoteric Book 5 Alegria Coastline (Meet with Routier and Eugene during the Day Phase of Pere Copia's Vacation Day)
10 Esoteric Book 15 Loger Forest, North (After Shernini joins)
11 Esoteric Book 18 Inelchias Cave, North (Meet with Apli twice during the Night Phase of Mowales Village's Vacation Day)
12 Esoteric Book 16 Czifra Saga Petal Road
13 Esoteric Book 12 Duma Footpath (Meet with Tetora twice during the Day Phase of Duma Footpath's Vacation Day)
14 Esoteric Book 20 Folletour Wilderness (Meet with Shernini twice during the Day Phase of Fair-Lart's Vacation Day)
15 Esoteric Book 14 Mistelheine Snow Path (Dana's Affection level must be at 3 or higher)
16 Esoteric Book 9 Trizon Fortress (After Leonis joins)
17 Esoteric Book 7 Clear the First Generation
18 Esoteric Book 2 Nebel Mole
19 Esoteric Book 25 Ioh Alde (Meet with Alice at the Facility during the Day Phase of Fair-Lart's Vacation Day)
20 Esoteric Book 11 Trizon Fortress (Mimel's Affection level must be at 3 or higher)
21 Esoteric Book 19 Fort Sabaj (Meet with Alice twice during the Day Phase of Fair-Lart's Vacation Day)
22 Esoteric Book 8 Title 72 (Posses Forbidden Tome 1)
23 Esoteric Book 17 Czifra Saga Petal Road (Meet with Eugene during the Day Phase of Mowales Village's Vacation Day and seen the First Generation's Beach Scene)
24 Esoteric Book 19 Fort Sabaj (Meet with Alice twice during the Day Phase of Fair-Lart's Vacation Day)
25 Esoteric Book 21 Will C'est-fini (Meet with Eugene and Niel during the Night Phase of Will C'est-fini's Vacation Day)
26 Esoteric Book 25 Ioh Alde (Meet with Alice at the Facilty during the Day Phase of Fair-Lart's Vacation Day)
27 Esoteric Book 22 Scarred Mountains (Story Related)
28-29 Esoteric Book 23 Narvende Mine (Breach of the Seal)
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