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- A
- AGI Up
- AGI Up+
- ATK +100
- A mysterious message coming from nowhere.......
- A mysterious page coming from nowhere...
- Abebart, North
- Abebart, South
- Abolt Coast
- Abyss Symbol
- Accessories
- Accessories (Alchemy)
- Accessories 3-II
- Accuracy
- Achievement
- Acktul Cliff
- Actinidia Polygama
- Actives
- Adaka
- Advanced Weapons V
- Aegis
- Aegisthus (Spire)
- Aerial Knife
- Aeropagus
- Agarest 2 - Accessories
- Agarest 2 - Accessories (Alchemy)
- Agarest 2 - Armor
- Agarest 2 - Armor (Alchemy)
- Agarest 2 - Items
- Agarest 2 - Items (Alchemy)
- Agarest 2 - Monsters
- Agarest 2 - Secret Arts Books
- Agarest 2 - Weapons
- Agarest 2 - Weapons (Alchemy)
- Agarest War - Items
- Agarest War 2 True End guide
- Agarest War True End Guide
- Agarest War Zero - First Generation Walkthrough
- Agarest War Zero - Second Generation Walkthrough
- Agarest War Zero True End
- Agarest War Zero True End Guide
- Agarest War Zero guides
- Agarest Wiki
- Agarest Zero - Accessories
- Agarest Zero - Accessories (Alchemy)
- Agarest Zero - Armor
- Agarest Zero - Armor (Alchemy)
- Agarest Zero - Combination Attacks
- Agarest Zero - Crafting Manuals
- Agarest Zero - Digest Guide
- Agarest Zero - Items
- Agarest Zero - Items (Alchemy)
- Agarest Zero - Monster Combination
- Agarest Zero - Monsters
- Agarest Zero - Titles
- Agarest Zero - Weapons
- Agarest Zero - Weapons (Alchemy)
- Agents of the Gods
- Aggrieved King Room
- Agito
- Agony
- Aina
- Air Break
- Alberback Mine, East
- Alberback Mine, West
- Alberti
- Alberti (Enemy)
- Alchemist Guild
- Alchemy
- Alfa Beld Spear
- Alice
- Alkahest
- Alloy Fang
- Alloy Fang+
- Alluvial Gold
- Altis Rod
- Alzai Fen
- Alzai Fen, NE
- Alzai Fen, SW
- Alzai Fen, South
- Alzai Fen, West
- Ambition
- Amplify
- Anastajion Field
- Ancient
- Ancient Forest
- Andorra La Vella, Base
- Andorra La Vella, NE
- Andorra La Vella, Ravine
- Andorra La Vella, SE
- Andorra La Vella, W
- Angel
- Angel Halo
- Angel Knight
- Angel Wing
- Angel Wings
- Anger
- Anglachel
- Ankh Horn
- Annihilator
- Anti-Magic Shield
- Anticipation
- Apli
- Aqua Chrome
- Aqua Scythe
- Aqua Stone
- Arbol
- Arc Dragon
- Arc Knight
- Armageddon
- Armor
- Armor (Alchemy)
- Army Bee
- Artemis
- Asininity
- Asmodai
- Assassin's Book
- Assassin's Cloth
- Assault Barrel
- Assault Cannon
- Astral
- Astral (Location)
- Asura
- Attack Command
- Attack and Support Skills
- Augenblick
- Aulis Lake
- Aura Ring
- Aura of Command
- Aura of Leadership
- Auto-Battle Mode
- Auto Matter
- Avalanche
- Avenger
- Avenir
- Avidya
- Axe Blade
- Aymur
- B345h34h234y234yh234y234hy345h45uhy445u44
- Badge of Liberty
- Bandage
- Bandit
- Banishing Charm
- Banishing Shell
- Barbaric Forest, North
- Barbaric Forest, South
- Bardiche
- Bark of World Tree
- Barzakh, City of the Dead
- Baselard
- Basic Smithing
- Basilisk
- Battle Axe
- Battle Frame
- Battle Memory
- Baubles
- Beast Bone
- Beast Claw
- Beast Hunt
- Beast King Fang
- Beast King Fang+
- Beast Ring
- Beast Seal
- Beast Sense
- Beast Skin
- Beastly Protector
- Beatrice
- Beauty
- Bell of Requiem
- Bensulum Alley, North
- Bensulum Alley, South
- Bevonarl Bay, North
- Bevonarl Bay, South
- Biberest Mountains
- Bibrest Trail, North
- Bibrest Trail, South
- Big Beast Fang
- Big Beast Fang+
- Big Crab
- Big Eye
- Bird Eye
- Black Bustier
- Black Dragon
- Black Dragon Scale
- Black Frame
- Black Soul
- Blacksmir
- Blade
- Blazer
- Blessing
- Blind Guard
- Block Magic
- Blood-Sucking Fang
- Blood Fang
- Blood Fang+
- Blood Red
- Blood Ruby
- Bloody Beast
- Bloody Blade
- Bloody Pearl
- Bloody Sword
- Blue Dolphin
- Blue Water
- Blugran Sea Route
- Body of Darkness
- Body of Earth
- Body of Flame
- Body of Ice
- Body of Light
- Body of Thunder
- Body of Wind
- Bolt Lance
- Bone Beast Claw
- Bone Beast Claw+
- Bone Club
- Bone Guard
- Bone Knuckles
- Bone Mail
- Bone Plate
- Bone Powder
- Bone Scythe
- Bone Shooter
- Bone Soldier
- Bone Spear
- Bone Warrior
- Bone of the Dead
- Bontenmaru
- Book of Philosophy
- Book of Satori
- Book of Smithing
- Bool Burn Course 1
- Bool Burn Course 2
- Bool Burn Course 3
- Bool Burn Course 4
- Bool Burn Course 5
- Borgnine
- Borgnine (Enemy)
- Bracelet of Feicui
- Bracelet of Light
- Bracelet of Requiem
- Braham
- Branch of Gem
- Brave Dance
- Brave Hunter
- Breath of Sylphil
- Brionac
- Broad Blade
- Broom Wand
- Brynhildr
- Budis Valley Way
- Bug Whistle
- Buistlatter
- Buleuz Way
- Bull Orc
- Burning Red
- Bushelle Forest Road, Central
- Bushelle Forest Road, East
- Bushelle Forest Road, West
- Buster Gun
- Byakko's Bracelet
- Byakko Relief
- CG Locations
- Caduceus
- Caina
- Cal-Vina
- Calamity
- Calamity Spike
- Calinou's Hammer
- Cape Promontorio
- Capturing Monsters
- Carvitis, Deg Area
- Carvitis, Uvok Area
- Carvitis, Zam Area
- Cat's Eye
- Cat's Eye (Item)
- Cat Lady
- Cat Punch
- Cave of Origin
- Celades Waters I
- Celades Waters II
- Celades Waters III
- Celades Waters IV
- Cellatz Wildland
- Cerberus
- Cgi
- Chain Knuckles
- Chakram
- Chaos
- Chaos Dyshana
- Chaos Dyshana (Dark Path)
- Chaos Frame
- Characters
- Chariot
- Charm Herb
- Charm of Force
- Chicken Egg
- Chicken Emblem
- Chicken Ring
- Chime of Requiem
- Chipped Statue
- Chozurimaru
- Ciela
- Clairvoyance
- Closed Forest
- Cockatrice
- Cockatrice Wings
- Coercion
- Cold Gel
- Combat Scope
- Combination Attacks
- Command Stone
- Commission Skills and Finish Strikes
- Concentration
- Condemnation
- Confine Bourne
- Contempt
- Contract
- Coral
- Corcesca
- Corleitz Alley
- Crab Brain
- Crab Claw
- Crab Shell
- Cracked Magic Item
- Cradle Wand
- Crafting Manuals
- Crafting Walkthrough
- Crazed Wise King Room