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Plum (CV: Reina Kawazu)
Full name: Plum Raglan (If Chosen) Family  
CG Plum
Race: Nelth
Generation: Third Generation
Joins at: The City of Paillene
Age: 14 (Physical Age: 9)
Height: 134cm (4'4)

A curious nelth girl with a disarming smile, Plum is well-known in the Green Hill City of Paillene, and her nelth dexterity and skill in enchanting items are impressive. Despite her looks, Plum has a mature way about her, which makes most people feel awkward at first. Even Thoma can't handle her, because she talks to him like an elder sister or mother! Plum has a strong desire to be an adult, and her immediate goal is to be a lady. She gladly handles daily affairs and takes care of Leonhardt's future descendants with Ellis. Her willingness to attend to others makes her a key member of the party.





Adorning Rod:

Spirit Water:

Powers and Abilities[]

Character Stats[]

Starting level: 40
Class: Artisan
New class: Meister
Weapons: Staff
Role in party: Sorcerer
Skill Slots


Special Special
Special Special
Water Water
Earth Earth
Class change


Water Water
Earth Earth
Rank Base Statistic Class Change Bonus
STR F 24 12
VIT E 25 13
AGI C 40 0
INT A 58 0
LUK B 48 0
AP 16 6
MOV 3 1
HP 3352 525
Extended area
x : Character
■ : Extended area
Will Power
Increases bonus points when leveling.

Learns at LV40

Increases EP gain for characters within the extended area by 25%.

Learns at LV40

Block Magic
Activated after accumulating more than 150 SP.

Increases magic defense. Learns at LV40

Critical Break
Activated after accumulating more than 200 SP.

Increases magic damage. Learns at LV50

Extra Skills
Magic that summons a raincloud to trap the target in a tornado and pelt them with magical rain. Reduces the target's STR.
Type: Water Water
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
0 150 4 540 6 Water 18 50 0 8
Maiden's Prayer (乙女の祈り. Otome no Inori, Maiden's Prayer)
Magic that uses natural vital energy that one gains by praying to the spirit of the earth. Increases the SP of a party member.
Type: Earth Earth
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
0 0 2 0 100 - 32 100 0 0
Mellifluous Gleam
Plum's ultimate technique. Wraps the world in a warm, comforting glow, that makes the target forget everything, even its own existence. Reduces SP.
Type: Water Water
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
0 600 5 4700 0 - 50 250 0 6


  • In the Japanese dialogue of the game, Plum speaks in third person, a trait normally used by young children, this contradicts her desire to be a adult as soon as possible.