Agarest Wiki

More than 5 types of Enemies[]

The fourth screen (the gray, rocky area) also has Death Crabs and Trolls. 22:47, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

Fifth screen also has Great Sorcerers

Map is Wrong[]

The map layout is all wrong. I'm not sure where exactly the sixth screen is supposed to be, but it's definitly not between screens seven and five (seven links directly to five). The 'location' sections also appear to be wrong. The second screen is the first's top right exit, while the seventh is the first's bottom right. 17:25, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

1st screen has exits to 2 above cliff and 7 on beach.

2nd has 4 exits.Top left leads to first and is where you come in from 1st. Top Right leads to 3 however while I could leave this screen after grabbing the chests, subsequent visits I could not get back from this. Bottom Right leads to 4 and Bottom left leads to 6.

3 is a dead end and possible trap see above.

From 4 the left goes to 2 and right goes to 5 just like they should.

5 is where anomalies appear, the top left leads directly to 2 (bottom left skipping 4), the bottom leads to 5.

6 looks identical to 5 which is where your confusion likely comes from, it has 3 exits (not 2), rightmost on the beach leads to 5. Leftmost leads to 7, On the cliff in the middle leads to the bottom left of screen 2.

So yeah map is wrong, but this one is rather tricky to draw. In fact I completely missed the 4th screen on my first trip here because I went from screen 1 to screen 7. 21:34, August 6, 2015 (UTC)

